Case studies

Showing you how we can help your business.

Litigation Support

Litigation Support

Litigation Support

A European private bank was concerned that $25m of client funds had been invested in a fraudulent hedge fund. Our research quickly revealed the antipodean fund manager had a long history of fraud in the Far East before re-locating to Europe and that the misappropriated monies had been transferred to the US, and from there to Singapore before being returned to Europe. We also located witnesses whose testimony attested to the fraud, and identified assets belonging to the fraudster.

Armed with the information we provided, our client's lawyers were able to quickly obtain freezing and disclosure orders as part of proceedings in five jurisdictions, leading to substantial recoveries.

“Our clients return to us as trusted business partners when they have difficult issues to tackle or investment decisions to make. We value the personal relationships we have built up over the years, and work hard to understand and answer their needs”
Sam Pope

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