Case studies

Showing you how we can help your business.

Competitor Intelligence - Australia and the UK

Competitor Intelligence - Australia and the UK

Competitor Intelligence - Australia and the UK

An international manufacturer requested Kasalana to conduct in-depth research into two competitors with respect to a particular product. One competitor had recently opened a new, state-of-the-art factory in Australia and threatened to win greater market share at our client's expense, while the other appeared to have made a strategic decision to focus more heavily on this product as a result of trading conditions. Our research focused on two key issues: the current and planned production capacity of the Australian plant, and the priority given to the product by the UK competitor. After a first phase of extensive research in media and corporate filings, we undertook focused enquiries among a range of sources including former employees, analysts, journalists and regulators (including the local planning authorities in Australia). The findings, which were assessed and cross-checked, gave comfort and direction to our client as they sought to make strategic decisions about their own investment in an overseas manufacturing plant and the likely market for this product.

“We work in partnership with global corporations at the forefront of their industries. These are the people pioneering improvements in ethical business practices and we are proud to be associated with them.”
Sam Pope
Managing Director, Kasalana

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