Promoting ethical behaviour in the workplace
Promoting ethical behaviour in the workplace
Kasalana White Paper 2:
In Kasalana's White Paper 1 (February 2015), we discussed why 'good people do bad things': the psychology, external pressures and process of rationalisation that an individual might go through before launching themselves into criminal activity or unethical behaviour. This paper seeks to redress the balance somewhat. What can an organisation and its leadership do to prevent staff from acting unethically?
Codes of conduct, compliance handbooks and ethical statements, although a very important aspect of fraud prevention, are not the only answer. The danger is that, once a handbook has been given out to each member of staff, or annual code-of-conduct training has been ticked off the list, then it is back to 'business as usual' as if the actual content of that material is no longer relevant. This paper discusses appropriate and effective compliance techniques.