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The Fraud Review 2006: One giant leap?

Kasalana Our Perspective 12 - The Fraud Review 2006: One giant leap?

The Fraud Review 2006: One giant leap?

Our Perspective 12:
The 2006 Fraud Review was welcomed by government and businesses alike as a turning point in the fight against economic crime in the UK. It gave rise to both the Fraud Act 2006, which came into force the following year and introduced the first UK offence of fraud, and to the UK Bribery Act 2010 - arguably the toughest legislation against bribery in the world. Ten years after this review, the Fraud Advisory Panel has asked the question: has the fraud review delivered on its promises?

To read more, download the pdf Kasalana Our Perspective 12 - The Fraud Review 2006: One giant leap?

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